Ibn Al-‘Arabi’s Conception of Religion

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Ibn Al-‘Arabi’s Conception of Religion – Softcover

Author: Mohd Sani Badron

Publisher: IKIM

ISBN: 9789832636465

Year: 2013

Weight: 0.590kg

Pages: 192 pp

Price: RM40

This work begins with the discourses of the Qur’ān and Prophetic Tradition, on Islam and other religious traditions. It then presents a historical survey of Muslim works in the field of comparative study of religions, written by some philosophers, theologians and Ṣūfīs. The work also deals sufficiently with the personal background of Ibn al-'Arabī, arguably the greatest representative of the Ṣūfīs. There are also specific chapters on this visionary metaphysician’s general conception of religion; and, his interpretation of Qur’ānic terminologies such as islām, dīn, fiṭrah, mīthāq, īmān, kufr, sharī'ah, minhāj, nubuwwah, risālah, millah, and ummah. A highly controversial issue of Ibn al-'Arabī’s view on the diversity of religions; his understanding of the Qur’ānic views of naskh and taḥrīf; and, his remarks about the non-Muslims’ paramount doctrines, especially regarding those of the Ahl al-Kitāb, are also considerably discussed.

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