Islamic Civilisation: Present & Future Challenges

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Islamic Civilisation: Present & Future Challenges - Softcover

Author: Syed Othman Alhabshi, Nik Mustapha Nik Hassan, Azizan Baharuddin
Publisher: IKIM
ISBN: 9789832718291
Year: 2016
Pages: 82
Price: RM25

An important question faced by Muslims today is whether the concept of Islamic Civilisation refers to the Islamic golden age of the past or does it refer also to the present-day Islamic world.  Some may define it as the piety of Muslims in the performance of rituals, rather than their pursuit of worldly achievements, while others may regard it in terms of the letter per se. Thus, if the term ‘Islamic Civilisation’ is not clearly defined, Muslims may end up at crossed purposes and fail to achieve the necessary consensus on the objectives and direction of their efforts. There should be a common understanding and works towards common goals. Only then can we be confident that all efforts will contribute to Islam and the well-being of Muslims as a whole and the world at large.

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