​50 Years of Higher Education Development in Malaysia (1957-2007)

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50 Years of Higher Education Development in Malaysia (1957-2007)

Editor: Zailan Moris

Publisher: USM Press

ISBN: 9789838614351




Price: RM50

Taking into account that to date, there is not a single book that deals specifically on the subject of higher education in Malaysia, this book aims at discussing the subject in a comprehensive manner. As such, it covers several important aspects concerning it. The selected aspects are the history, philosophy, prominent figures, current issues and challenges, future direction, and planning of higher education in Malaysia. Each of these aspects constitutes the main focus of discussion of the six chapters of this book. In conjunction with the 50years celebration of the nation’s independence from British colonial rule, the writers have paid special emphasis on the period from 1957 to 2007. However, the discussion goes beyond this period as demonstrated by the first chapter that deals with the development of higher education which predates independence, and the final chapter which explores the issue of planning for the future. By examining the specific aspects involved in the development of higher education in the country, it is hoped that this book will provide the important and relevant discussion of the subject and thereby, lends itself to be a useful reference for those who wish to read and learn more about higher education in Malaysia.

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