​Choosing Disinfection Alternatives For Bio-Effluent Treatment: A Summary if Existing and Emerging Technologies

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Choosing Disinfection Alternatives For Bio-Effluent Treatment: A Summary of Existing and Emerging Technologies

Author: Teow Yeit Haan, Noorini Izzati Mohamad Mazuki & Abdul Wahab Mohamad
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9789672510277
Weight: 0.266kg
Page: 172
Year: 2021
Price: RM35

The reclamation and reuse of treated sewage effluent (bio-effluent) is a green approach to reducing the dependency on freshwater supply for non-potable applications such as agriculture, irrigation, industrial, urban, construction, landscape, and recreational. Several sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Malaysia manage to produce high-quality final discharge effluent that is well below Department of Environment Malaysia (DOE) Standard A limits (biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) <0, total suspended solids (TSS) <10 ppm). Hence, the final discharge effluent from these STPs is found suitable to provide bio effluent for non-potable applications. Nevertheless, primary, secondary, and even tertiary treatments in STPs are not able to substantially remove 100 % of the microorganisms in bio-effluent given that its source is domestic wastewater. 

This book discussed the performance and economic feasibility of conventional available disinfection alternatives for bio-effluent treatment. The conventional alternatives include a single disinfection unit and integrated disinfection system coupled with pre-treatment for the enhancement of treated water quality as well as to increase the disinfection efficiency. Meanwhile, economic analysis is estimated for all disinfection alternatives at the design scale of 100 ml/day and 5,000 m²/day by considering both capital cost and operating cost of the system. This book supported that with an appropriate disinfection treatment, the reclaimed treated water is ably reused for applications of urban use, recreational, irrigation, industrial, landscape, and construction, which is a promising green initiative in the wastewater industry.

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