​Future Studies Research Methodology: A Collection Of Studies

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Future Studies Research Methodology: A Collection Of Studies

Author/Editor: Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Norasmatul Akma Ahmad

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674880538

Weight: 200g


Year: 2018

Price: RM48

Future Studies Research Methodology in Practice: A Collection of Studies, is a practical guide for those who are directly involved in research. Features of research methodology in future studies are covered and it is a useful teaching and learning handbook for all range of courses related to research at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.

This book with 8 chapters, can be used as a reference by researchers when they are conducting and reporting their research. With a comprehensive theory and practical-based, this book introduces readers to methods of conducting research. This book certainly allows readers to easily understand the entire research process of Fuzzy Delphi, and Design and Development Research Method.

Furthermore, explanation about the concept of research, especially the methods and design are simplified and explained in detail with examples across all levels of education: Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, and Post-graduate. Field of research across different disciplines namely language and literacy, education planning, and dental education are provided to help readers of all levels to understand, apply, and integrate the research methodology in all possible areas of education.

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