Current And Emerging Themes In Global Access To Post-Secondary Education (GAPS)

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Current And Emerging Themes In Global Access To Post-Secondary Education (GAPS)Author: Glenda Crosling and Graema Atherton

Publisher: Sunway University Press

ISBN : 9781785608995

Pages: 173

Weight: 0.5

Year: 2017

Price : RM 79.50

Current and Emerging Themes in Global Access to Post-Secondary Education (GAPS) presents as chapters a selection of papers from the Global Access to Post-Secondary Education World Conference held in Kuala Lumpur in October 2015.

The chapters in the book demonstrate the diversity of the access field, presenting a range of approaches to increasing access with initiatives from 10 different countries with varying groups of people. The book explores access to post-secondary education under the themes of global perspectives and institutional policy on access and equity, teaching approaches and the development of teachers and curriculum, access and outreach approaches, and support for students during their studies.

This book is suitable for community workers, academics, policymakers, researchers and those who work with people who are disadvantaged by economic and social circumstances in their access to post-secondary education.

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