​Keris and other Malay Weapons

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Keris and other Malay Weapons

Author: G B Gardner

Publisher: Silverfish

ISBN : 9789833221974

Weight: 0.245kg

Year: 2019

Page: 144pp

Price : RM45

The author wrote in his opening chapter:

The keris is undoubtedly the distinctive Malay weapon. It is necessary however, to define a keris. It is primarily a dagger with a handle set at an angle to the blade, a sort of pistol grip in fact, to enable the wielder to thrust.

The keris is I believe unique, in being the dagger with the greatest reach, compared with the total length of the weapon. All other daggers are held in one of two ways (see Plate 3 Nos. 1 & 2) but the keris is held as in Plate 3 No. 3 and with it there is a greater reach, although the thrust lacks some of the force derived from the swing of the weapon held as in (1) or (2).

Argensola, writing in 1009 says: “At Menancabo excellent weapons called creeses best weapons in all the Orient.”

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