​Transformation 2050 : The Alternative Futures Of Malaysian Universities

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Transformation 2050 : The Alternative Futures Of Malaysian Universities

Author: Sohail Inayatullah / Fazidah Ithwin

Publisher: USIM Press

ISBN: 9789674404192



Year: 2018

Price: RM65

This book presents some of the best thinking, globally and nationally, on the futures of higher education in Malaysia. The collated articles in this colume and produced by experts and practitioners of futures thinking based on current scenarios and their anticipation of the preferred future. Transformation 2050: The Alternative Futures of Malaysian Universities sums up the critical relevance of designing the desired future using the six pillars approach - encouraging university leaders to envision best-case scenarios involving university leadership, teaching, and learning, students & academics. The current pushes of the future, the apprehensions in every aspect, calls for the Malaysian Higher Education to respond in ways that enhance the system and effectuate the nation's aspiration of a fully developed nation in 2020.

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