​The Great Scholars of the Deoband Islamic Seminary

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The Great Scholars of the Deoband Islamic Seminary

Author: Justice Mufti Muahmmad Taqi Usman

Publisher: Turath Publishing

ISBN: 9781906949266

Year: 2013

Weight: 0.198 kg

Pages: 141 pp

Price: RM52

The Great Scholars of The Deobandi Seminary is a highly inspirational glimpse into the lives and works of some of the luminaries affiliated to Dar al-Ulum Deoband, aptly renowned as the Azhar of the East. It is a translation of two Urdu articles authored by Mufti Taqi Usmani, which were later jointly published under the title Akabir-i Deoband Kya Thay. The first article is essentially a recollection of an array of profound stories, teachings and personal interactions, which Mufti Taqi Usmani's illustrious father, Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani, would often related with great fondness regarding his teachers and elders whom he benefited from. The second article, again a collection of stories and sayings, highlight the salient features of those who hailed from the rich tradition of the Deoband seminary.

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